Residential Home Inspection
A Home Inspection is a comprehensive and detailed visual inspection of system and major accessible component defects and safety issues. The inspection is not technically exhaustive. Home inspections are designed to reflect, as accurately as possible, the visible condition of the home at the time of the inspection. A Home Inspection may take as much as 2-3 hours on site to complete. Home Inspection time is an exciting time for you as you’re one step closer to realizing your dream home. A Home Inspection is not a pass or fail. All the findings are to benefit YOU, the buyer. You will save money knowing any safety concerns in advance and have a negotiating edge.
Most findings will be maintenance recommendations and minor imperfections. Correct them as soon as possible.
Safety/Major Concern: This section will denote a brief comment of a significantly deficient component or condition which will require a relatively short-term correction and/or expense. These will typically fall into one of three categories:
1. Major defects. An example of this might be a structural failure.
2. Things that may lead to major defects, such as a roof flashing leak.
3. Safety hazards, such as an exposed, live electrical wiring.
Often, a serious problem is inexpensive to correct to protect both life and property. Sellers are under no obligation to repair everything mentioned in an inspection report. No house is perfect so keep things in perspective.
After your home inspection is complete we will review our initial findings on site. We can address any questions or concerns you may have as well.
If you would like to request an appointment to have your property inspected, please contact us today